Stowell Named Honorary Member by Natural Resource Pilots

The International Association of Natural Resource Pilots (IANRP) granted Rich Stowell honorary member status during its recent, biennial conference. The plaque presented to Stowell, who was attending the conference as a seminar speaker, reads, “for his dedication toward safety and education through specialized training for the natural resource aviation community.”

A Master Instructor and 2006 National Flight Instructor of the Year, Stowell is a noted expert in the field of spin and emergency maneuver training. He has been providing safety training to pilots with state and Federal fish and wildlife, parks service, and law enforcement agencies for fifteen years. Natural resource pilots regularly train with Stowell through CP Aviation in Santa Paula, CA. He has also traveled to locations in Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, and Minnesota to work with natural resource pilots in their own environments, which typically involves tracking wildlife while maneuvering at low altitude and slow airspeed.

IANRP members operate aircraft in the field of renewable resources with specialties that include the use of aircraft for forestry, wildlife, and fisheries applications, as well as for the enforcement of natural resource regulations. IANRP provides the means for these pilots to share their wealth of experience and knowledge with others.


IANRP President Jeff Faught (l.) & Rich Stowell

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