Rich Stowell’s Books Now in Apple’s iBookstore

Rich Stowell recently announced that his books, Emergency Maneuver Training and Stall/Spin Awareness, are now available through Apple’s iBookstore. A long time subject matter expert on loss of control, Stowell produced the books as well as four DVD programs specifically to address spins, emergency maneuvers, and aerobatics. He was on the team that created last year’s FAA Safety Standown, presented the FAA’s first safety webinar earlier this year, and has given more than 300 safety seminars and 8,600 hours of flight instruction.

According to Stowell, “Converting the books to electronic format has been a long time coming, and I couldn’t have done it without fellow author and pilot Reya Kempley of Starflight Press.” He added, “I’m pleased with the results.”

In June, Stowell will celebrate 25 years as a full-time aviation educator. He is the 2006 National CFI of the Year, an eight-time Master Instructor, and a charter member of the Society of Aviation and Flight Educators. He has logged more than 33,000 spins and 24,000 landings.

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