Frequently Asked Questions

Several schools offer their own brand of spin and unusual attitude training — some are good; some, not so good. Some schools that have patterned their training programs after my work are provided on my links page. You can also view a Directory of Aerobatic Schools maintained by the International Aerobatic Club.

No, but I do recommend having your PPL beforehand. I don’t want this unique training to confuse any issues related to passing your Private check ride. If the EMT Program is your goal, consider it your reward to yourself for all the hard work it took to earn your PPL.

No. The majority of pilots I fly with have neither previous aerobatic experience nor tailwheel experience.

Not at all. In fact, 95 percent of the pilots I fly with have no prior tailwheel experience. Don’t worry, I’ll coach you through the take-offs and landings. Consider the exposure to tailwheel flying as an added bonus!

With the exception of training clinics conducted at other locations throughout the year, I schedule training on an individual basis.

Here in Idaho, yes. However, CP Aviation in Santa Paula, CA also has instructors who are more than capable of teaching per the EMT Syllabus. If you want to train sooner than my schedule might allow, consider contacting CP Aviation at 805-525-2138. The instructors there follow the same syllabus and use the same teaching techniques that I use.

Training with me in Idaho currently is scheduled in owner-supplied airplanes. However, I occasionally travel to CP Aviation in Santa Paula, CA and Specialized Aero Works in Bend, OR as a guest instructor flying their Decathlons.

Yes! We can do some of the training in your own airplane under the following conditions: Upon inspection, I can decline to conduct training in the particular airplane; we will only use the airplane as is appropriate, performing only those maneuvers that are approved in the airplane.


If we use your airplane, please understand that you will be acting as PIC at all times during our training flights. I do carry CFI insurance as well.

The EMT program is divided into  three stand-alone Modules: Stall/Spin Awareness, In-Flight Emergencies, and Basic Aerobatics. Each Module includes three hours of ground instruction and three hours of flight instruction, spread over four separate Lessons. As a result, each Lesson consists of about 45 minutes on the ground and 45 minutes in the air. If you schedule two Lessons per day (the maximum recommended for most), you can complete each Module in two days. Therefore, plan on a minimum of two days for Module I; four days for Modules I & II together; six days to complete all three Modules.

Yes it can. But to avoid the possibility of large gaps between your lessons, be sure to reserve all the flights needed for a Module.

Yes! The training more than satisfies the requirements. The EMT program is also WINGS-approved.

Completing Module I more than satisfies the intent of the spin endorsement required of Flight Instructor Applicants. Instead of a meager one or two spins, you’ll perform on the order of 20 or so spin entries and recoveries in this Module alone.

For example, by scheduling one tailwheel-specific flight followed by two EMT-specific flights per day (that’s certainly a full day of flying!), most pilots will usually qualify for the tailwheel endorsement, a spin endorsement, a flight review, a Phase of the FAA Wings Program, and a whole lot of new experience! See the Tailwheel Transition FAQ for more information on this.

Yes, schedule permitting. Two of you can participate in the ground school sessions together, followed by the individual flights. This will save a few dollars in the end.

Yes! If you are interested in discussing the logistics of a training clinic in your area, please contact me
For the EMT program, budget approximately three hours of ground time and three hours of flight time with me, plus three hours of airplane rental. The cost will be less if we use your own airplane for the appropriate lessons. For other training, the cost will be based on the type of training you’d like to receive. Contact me
If you train with a friend/spouse at the same time, you can save a few dollars by sharing the ground school sessions. For larger groups or on-site clinics, please contact me
My books are optional (but of course, highly recommended). Many pilots find it useful to order the book(s) to review before taking the training. For more information, visit my store

We accept cash, check, Visa, and MasterCard. Payments are processed through Stripe.

Not at this time, but if you do have to cancel your appointment, we ask that you contact us as soon as possible.

My schedule often books 30-60 days in advance, occasionally more. So the more lead time the better to coordinate schedules and airplanes.

A common question. The reality, though, is that very few pilots actually get airsick. Most are usually just fine physiologically. In any event, we’ll train at your pace — you call the shots in terms of how far to go on each flight.

If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, consider the following: eat in moderation before flying, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, and look into one of the various “relief” products on the market (patch, wrist band, etc.). Ginger also seems to have a calming effect (sipping ginger ale or nibbling on raw ginger before and after flying often helps).

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