Flight TimeApproximate Hours - Total Flight TimeApproximate Hours - Flight Instruction GivenDPE ExperienceApproximate Number – Total Check Rides GivenApproximate Number – Commercial Check Rides GivenApproximate Number – Commercial Check Rides Given at NIGHTFlight Instructor ExperienceDo you, or have you ever, provided flight instruction to trainees for a Commercial certificate?YesNoDo you, or have you ever, provided flight instruction in the 360-degree power-off approach to landing at an airport as described in the Airplane Flying Handbook?YesNoWhen you provide/provided flight instruction in the 360-degree power-off approach to landing at an airport, is/was it normal for you to perform this maneuver with a trainee at night?YesNoCompared to having the trainee perform the 360-degree power-off approach to landing at an airport in day VMC, how would you rate the risk of performing the same maneuver in training in night VMC?Risk is much lower in night VMC versus day VMCRisk is lower in night VMC versus day VMCRisk is the same in night VMC as in day VMCRisk is higher in night VMC versus day VMCRisk is much higher in night VMC versus day VMC Δ